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Video SEO

How video can improve your SEO and online marketing presence

By 25th January 2021December 1st, 2023No Comments
A person sits at a table with a notebook, writing. They face a laptop displaying a virtual meeting where participants appear to be raising their hands. The room's large windows and brick walls suggest it’s a modern workspace typical for an SEO-focused professional.

Improve your SEO and online presence

The way to make your business successful is by driving people to the pages and sites you want them to visit and by making your online presence stronger than the competition. 

There are many marketing tools out there to help businesses achieve those things, such as email marketing, SEO, social media marketing and increasingly, video marketing – which has risen to  become the most powerful way to reach a target audience. 

A study, conducted by Social Media Today, revealed that 90% of consumers stated their purchasing decisions were swayed by video and by 2022 as much as 82% of all consumer internet traffic will involve some form of video.

Through the use of video, a consumer can feel an emotional connection that is often lacking within written content. The imagery leads to greater brand awareness when the message is received by the target audience. 

Video can also be a catalyst to successful SEO. 

The very presence of video on a webpage can have a dramatic impact on the single most important ranking factor that search engines use, good quality content.

Consumers also like to see video within search results and visitors will stay on your pages for longer as a result of engaging with your video content. We can expect to see even more of it going forwards, we can also expect its ranking value to increase as time goes by.

One of the greatest things about video marketing is its simplicity. When used correctly, information can be laid out in a way that is easy to digest for the consumer, without any need to search for specifics or waste time looking for the information they need. It is estimated that up to 90% of consumers watch videos through their mobile devices, which makes video marketing ideal as it can be viewed anywhere, at any time. If the quality is good and the chosen technique is right for the brand and the audience it can be shared instantly to an exponentially greater number of potential customers. 

Here are just some of the video marketing techniques businesses use to improve their SEO and online marketing presence:


Consumers are more inclined to make a purchase through word of mouth recommendations. In the world of online marketing though, these don’t necessarily have to come from someone we know. A celebrity, influencer or previous customer could just as easily provide a valuable endorsement and increased exposure for a product.

Explainer Videos

An explainer video is beneficial if you release a product that may benefit from further explanation. For example,  this video made by us for Fish4jobs, a company providing recruitment solutions across the UK, it says everything it needs to in under 90 seconds… 

Reviews and Demonstrations

It is easier to watch a person demonstrating the use of a product, than to sit and read a ‘how to’ guide. Again an online influencer or celebrity can increase the view count here. If a person wants to know exactly how a product works, then watching an online review or demonstration can be the best way to show them. 

Video Ads

This market for video advertising is busy one and that is for a good reason – they work.

The difficulty here is how to make yours engaging so that the viewer doesn’t simply scroll past. The first few seconds really need to count and the video needs to have a real purpose, like this.

You may think that video marketing doesn’t have a place within your business, but the adaptability and versatility it can deliver make it impossible to ignore and an oversight not to consider.

That does come with an important caveat though, as with all content it has to be good quality and that can be a challenging task to undertake in-house.

You might need help and advice on voiceovers, or how long it takes to produce the kinds of video that will elevate you well above the crowds, you might be wondering where on earth to begin… You can find answers to those questions and a lot more in our frequently asked questions.

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Dragonfly, a video production company in London.