The objective of the animated video created for the British Medical Association was to encourage medical professionals to join their organisation.
The video used accurate artwork to portray medical environments, devices, and uniforms, ensuring it resonated with its medical professional audience.
The script was vital in delivering the video’s message to medical professionals effectively, encouraging them to consider joining the BMA.
The animation used bespoke vector graphics to create an accurate and sophisticated visual style, ensuring it didn’t appear cartoony or childish to its medical professional audience.
The animation was designed with fluid transitions and clever motion graphics, to ensure it flowed well, creating a visually striking and stylish final product.
Dragonfly’s innovative approach and focus on accuracy resulted in a highly effective animated video that achieved its objective of inspiring medical professionals to join the British Medical Association.
Bespoke vector graphics were crucial in creating a sophisticated animated video for the British Medical Association that didn’t appear childish or cartoonish to their audience.
Dragonfly’s innovative approach helped the British Medical Association inspire medical professionals to become members of the organisation.
Dragonfly’s innovative approach helped the British Medical Association inspire medical professionals to become members of the organisation.
We were really impressed by the final animation! It exceeded our expectations and successfully resonated with our target audience.”