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Dragonfly Vox Pops


‘The voice of the people.’ On video

Vox populi, usually referred to as vox-pops in the media world, is a Latin phrase that literally means ‘the voice of the people.’ This usually takes the form of a short segment for radio or television in which people passing by in a public place are asked their opinion on a particular subject.

Dragonfly can help you use a vox-pop to influence decision makers by showing the public’s opinion on a matter, to help forecast events or just to stimulate public debate. You can think of it generally as an opinion poll, but the answers you get depend very much on the questions you ask.

Getting the most out of your contributors


If you’re trying to test public opinion and reaction, or to boost sales or increase your audience, then your vox-pops must be published or broadcast while the issue is still in the forefront of the public mind.

Dragonflies are known for their speed and agility, and we’re no different. With a small and experienced crew ready to go we have the facility to get that first reaction, and to quickly edit our findings – or even broadcast them live. We’re practically an emergency service for keeping your finger on the public pulse.

Genuinely engaging content


Getting what you need from a vox-pop can be a tricky and frustrating process. Where should you film? What questions have you prepared? Who will be willing to stop and talk to you? At Dragonfly we have a strong team of people with long backgrounds in the broadcasting industry for whom this kind of work is second nature.

From obtaining the right to film in public places and making sure consent forms are signed, to being approachable, enthusiastic and engaging with the public, Dragonfly will think of everything for you when it comes to capturing what the public think. Get in touch with us, and we’ll get in touch with your audience.

We also undertake excellent talking head interviews for corporate videos.



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Dragonfly, a video production company in London.